Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Small steps forwards...

We've had a hectic couple of weeks here, both the boys have been ill, but as of yesterday they are both officially over it for this time. It has not left a lot of time for writing here though, or indeed for doing things worth writing about.
I've however managed to get some bits and pieces done on my dress; for instance I've done my first ever pleats and I'm really rather pleased with them.

From the front...

...and the back

I'm hoping to finish it this week, a little bit depending on how I get on with the zipper, having never put one in before I'm a little bit nervous about it. I'd really like to get it done though as I'm really impatient to start some other things, not least I've got things planned for the boys, but more about that another time.

1 comment:

  1. Jättehärligt att höra att båda pojkarna är återställda nu.

    Så himla snygg klänningen kommer att bli! Jag förstår din nervositet inför dragkedjan, alla såna där kluriga ting är lite kusliga första gången, men det kommer naturligtvis att gå jättebra! Klarar du såna veck är en dragkedja inte nåt att oroa sej för.

    Ha det så jättegott!
