Alex has started nursery, which he loves, and he comes home soaked or covered in paint most days, which surely must be a good thing! The ladies have commented that they have never known a kid like it for getting mucky.
When he's not there we do try to do some fun things together, the other day he helped me making the desserts:
The dessert Alex made
Anyway, here is the dress, in it's complete form:
The dress that I made
I did get Dave to take a photo of me wearing it, but I looked like Jabba the hut in a dress. It is massively large, but I did take the measurement when I was seven month pregnant, so I would have been more upset if it was the right size.
I'm really pleased that I've finished it though, as I want to start making clothes for the boys now, and Alex is really looking forward to getting some. I have rather been hoarding fabric, and I also think that if Dave don't see it being turned in something, anything really, he might start whinging. Some trousers for Alex next, I think, followed by t-shirts and coats for them both. Watch this space...
Klänningen är ju jättesnygg! Hoppas verkligen du kan använda den. Ska bli jättekul att se vad du kommer att sy till pojkarna.
ReplyDeleteMen efterrätten, ser mumsig ut, men vad är det?
Verkligen jättefin klänning! Måste vara så kul att kunna göra sina egna kläder!
ReplyDeleteJamen vad har hänt med sidan? Den ser jättekonstig ut!
Tack Helen! Ja, jag tycker ocksa att det verkar kul, men jag ar val inte riktigt dar an...