OK, here goes! I used to have another blog once upon a time, but due to work and other annoying things getting in the way I never really wrote on (in?) it. I've been thinking of starting again for some time, but I feel my old blog has grown somewhat hostile after being ignored for so long, I don't think we could ever start over again and patch up, so I started a new one.
At the moment I am all alone at home which is very rare, and also very nice, although I do have to go and pick up my little boys soon. They have spent a few hours at their nans today, she normally have them on a Friday as I attend a sewing course in the mornings, today there is no class as it is half term, but I had quite a lot to do as Alex turn three next week, and we are having a birthday party on Sunday. I have therefore been buying the last bits and pieces for the party and have made a start on the party food, I must admit that I opted for a bought cake in the end, simply because I couldn't find a big enough cake tin, very annoying, but I guess the main thing is that there is a cake there, and it's a chocolate one, as requested.
As I was out and about in wonderful Woolwich I popped in to the two charity shops they got there and I managed to get away with some fantastic bargains. I have been looking around for some fabric for curtains for the kitchen, but the ones I've seen have all been at around £9 meter, and as I'd need about 5.5 meter in total, it's just a little bit much right now, but lo and behold, I today found three big (ca 3x2m) pieces of fabric, with a lovely apple pattern on, which will look lovely, for £1.75 each! I also got loads of other bits of fabric, one blue polka dot one I'm thinking of making in to a circle skirt for myself, the rest I'm not exactly sure about yet, but they were really nice, and I'll think of something.
My plan is to write here about the things that I make, I am really just learning to sew you see, but I think I'm getting the hang of it, and I have loads of great ideas, and I am sure I'll be able to acquire the necessary skills as I go along. At least I hope so, headless optimism has always been one of my defining characteristics.
Either way, should I succeed or should I fail, I promise that I will post on here regularly on my progress, as well as on other things, at least once a week, I swear on my bright red KG shoes!
Friday Faves / December 2024
2 months ago
Så jättekul!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteVilket kap med gardintygerna, de låter jätteläckra. Och sen kunde jag inte annat än flina, du är snabbt på väg in i samlarstadiet. Du kommer inom kort att ha all världens förståelse för att jag har - och bara måste ha! - åtta bananlådor med garn. Det bara är så, antingen det gäller tyg, garn eller vad annat det kan tänkas vara, knappar till exempel.
Ser verkligen fram emot att följa dina öden och äventyr här. Förresten, vill du att jag ska kommentera på engelska hellre än svenska? Antar att du snart nog får engelskspråkiga besökare här.
Vill bara tipsa om en blog som jag tycker verkar trevlig, skrivs av en tjej som verkar vara precis i din situation med barn och sömnad och bakning.