I've just cut it in half the width, sewn it together again but under each other to make it twice the length. I then moved the white top bit so the teddy bear picture is still in the middle. I am going to mark out the chart bit, and embroider it, and then decorate it somehow. I think I'll use a few mini cross stitch kits with children's motifs I've got for free with various cross stitch magazines. I'll post a picture again upon completion.
I've got a couple of cross stitch projects on the go already. I started this little bookmark for David ages ago, before I when on maternity leave.
I've decided to try to finish it of soon, so I keep it in my bag and do little bits now and then when I'm on the bus, without the kids, but that's not very often.
I should get a chance to do some work on it today though, as I have to go in to work, in the City. Not to actually do any work you see, but to have a meeting with HR. It appears I might be made redundant, and they want to have a chat about 'my options'. Whatever they might be! I just wish I had had a chance to get a bit more rested, but Alex decided that 5am was a good time to get up, so I've been awake since. Tristan slept until eight. It's a bit annoying, because yesterday Alex slept until eight, but Tristan got up early!
Åh, så kul med mätgrejen! Det kommer att himla bra, ser fram emot att se den i bruk. Mycket smartare än en dörrpost.