Saturday, 13 March 2010

Oh, now it's been a little while since I wrote, but I blame my parents. They have been here for a week, and it's been lovely to see them. Alex has been spoilt rotten and is no doubt going to be a nightmare for the next week or so. But as they see each other so rarley I think it's ok.
Whilst waiting for mormor and morfar (that's swedish for grandmother and grandfather) I brought out some paints to entertain him. It produced some lovely paintings and this is the artist after the event:

Rather Gothic, don't you think? He's got a natural sense of style.

The day after my parents arrived I ran a 5km race at Clapham Common. It was the first out of 5 which are to take place between now and October. I got in on 47 minutes, which was pretty much as I had expected, and of course it leaves plenty of scope for improvement. The next one is on the 23rd May. My main goal is to run the entire race this time, as oppose to run/walking as I did now, and to get in on 45 min or less.

I have finished of the highet chart, I am only waiting for some ribbon I've ordered to hang it of, and I've decided to do the decorations by and by, as I want to hang it up and be able to use it as soon as possible.
I'm also starting to see some progress on my dress I am making at my sewing class. It's going really slowly, as I only got a couple of hours a week to work on it in class. I'll try to finish it of by easter, so I'll have some time for a smaller project the last bit of term.

At least now it is starting to look a bit like a garment, and not just like a collection of oddly shaped pices of fabric!

1 comment:

  1. Jäklar, den missade jag ju! Den ser himla fin ut, de olika färgerna är kanonfina ihop. Den lille punkaren är verkligen en klass för sej, det syns verkligen att det är en stor konstnär i arbete. Glömde förresten ta ett kort på bilen han målade, har du lust att göra det vid tillfälle?

    Kram till er alla
