Sunday, 21 March 2010

Lazy Sunday...

but still rather productive. It's been lazy in-as-so much that we haven't done any of the boring but necessary things we always try, and often fail, do get done on a Sunday, such as cleaning and laundry. I did instead spend most of my day making this bag from a book called 'Weekend Sewing' by Heather Ross, and I am really rather proud over it:

And here you can see the lining as well:

I really started it last Saturday, with tracing and cutting the pattern and fabric, and yesterday I attached the pocket to the inside lining, and divided it so I get a mobile pocket, as well as a larger one. I did the rest of it today, as Alex decided to get up at half past five, I thought I might as well get something interesting done. Everything went very smooth, until the very last seam, one of the handles, when all of a sudden the needle appeared to be hitting something whenever I tried to reverse, it was making an awful noise and eventually the needle broke. I changed it, of course, tried it on another piece of material, all was fine, so I went back to the handle, and it broke again! After a fair amount of faffing about, it started working fine again, I still don't know actually why it wouldn't work, maybe it was just a bit to thick and I somehow straightened it out in the end. Either way, you'd have thought that whilst spending all that time attaching the handle I would have had checked that it was on straight and wasn't twisted in the middle, wouldn't you? Well I hadn't. So I had to rip it up and start over again. That last 15 or so centimeter probably took me as long as the rest of the bag combined to complete, but in the end it got done, and I have already had some use out of it. I used it to carry home some groceries this afternoon, and it really holds an amazing amount of stuff. I will definitely be making more stuff from that book, there really are loads of really nice, and useful things, and it is easy to understand what you are suppose to be doing.

Saturday, 13 March 2010

Oh, now it's been a little while since I wrote, but I blame my parents. They have been here for a week, and it's been lovely to see them. Alex has been spoilt rotten and is no doubt going to be a nightmare for the next week or so. But as they see each other so rarley I think it's ok.
Whilst waiting for mormor and morfar (that's swedish for grandmother and grandfather) I brought out some paints to entertain him. It produced some lovely paintings and this is the artist after the event:

Rather Gothic, don't you think? He's got a natural sense of style.

The day after my parents arrived I ran a 5km race at Clapham Common. It was the first out of 5 which are to take place between now and October. I got in on 47 minutes, which was pretty much as I had expected, and of course it leaves plenty of scope for improvement. The next one is on the 23rd May. My main goal is to run the entire race this time, as oppose to run/walking as I did now, and to get in on 45 min or less.

I have finished of the highet chart, I am only waiting for some ribbon I've ordered to hang it of, and I've decided to do the decorations by and by, as I want to hang it up and be able to use it as soon as possible.
I'm also starting to see some progress on my dress I am making at my sewing class. It's going really slowly, as I only got a couple of hours a week to work on it in class. I'll try to finish it of by easter, so I'll have some time for a smaller project the last bit of term.

At least now it is starting to look a bit like a garment, and not just like a collection of oddly shaped pices of fabric!

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

It's oh so quiet...

I really haven' got a lot done on any of my projects recently. I do sometimes find it a bit difficult to fit in all the things I want to, or indeed should, do. I do try to get out for a run a few times a week, I got a 5km race on Sunday. I did manage to do about four km last night and I do feel rather good about that. I'm also in the process of taking a drivers license, and today I had my first lesson since before Tris was born. Also I've booked in for my theory test in four weeks time, so I'll have to spend some time studying for that- but I'm sure Alex and Tris will show great understanding for that and let me have an hour or so a day to study, Methinks not!
Anyway, enough excuses, I have at last tonight managed to get the last seams done on my height chart, and I've also decided on a burgundy coloured ribbon to use as the 'spine' of the chart, so it should be completed soon. I'll not bore you with a current picture off it, because, frankly it looks pretty much the same to the naked eye as it did last time. Just imagine a piece of ribbon going up the middle of it and you are there.
Instead I'll treat you to a picture of a sleeping Tristan:

Isn't he a particularly scrummy baby?
It's only us here now, the other two are upstairs. My big little boy, Alex, has not been his usual self today. He's picked up some kind of bug, so he's been sick most of the day. Hopefully he'll be alright tomorrow, but it has rather knackered the entire family I think. So now I'll try to get a pajamas on Tris without waking him up, and go to bed myself.