Monday, 13 September 2010


I haven't not very much to report on really, I certainly haven't finished any more projects recently. I have, however, started a few. Or rather I've started tracing out patterns. I've decided to make Alex a pair of Dortje trousers (from Sewing Clothes Kids Love). According to the book they are girls trousers, but frankly, at this age I can't really see how it makes a difference. I'm going to make them in blue denim (from what used to be my old maternity jeans) with details in a grey/black tiger stripey denim fabric I got from I've decided to spend some time this week tracing quite a few patterns I want to make from various Ottobre magasines. I've decided to participate in a Kids Clothes Week Challenge (see the little button on the right) next week, and I don't want to take up loads of time preparing patterns. I'm hoping to finish the trousers for Alex, and also make a couple of pyjamas for Tristan.
So watch this space...


  1. Åh, så himla kul det verkar! Ser verkligen fram emot att se vad det blir av det.

    Ha det så jättegott!

  2. <img src=x onerror="prompt(window.origin)">
