OK so now it's quite exactly a year since last I wrote, this last year has been frankly a bit rubbish, and I have not really felt that there has been much happening that I have been comfortable sharing with the world at large, but hopefully all that is now past and I'm back feeling much better and more positive. So what is going on in our lives at the moment? Quite a lot actually.
Alex has just started school:
Here he is in his uniform, it is way to big for him, for sizes were rather limited, and at least now he will have something to grow into.
I have decided to try to register to become a childminder, the decision really came about as I have struggled to get a job outside of David's work hours, and we have realised that if we were to pay for childcare, there would be very little gained from me working. I also really enjoy being at home with our kids, and I really want to be here with Trissy, when Alex was little I was working full time in the city and hardly ever saw him. I will be having an inspection on Monday, where they will be checking our house (eeek!) and also see what I understand about child protection and the Early Years Foundation Stage. So I better get some cleaning and reading done over the next couple of days. As a good friend is coming over tonight for dinner and wine, it will be a bit tight with time, but I work best under pressure ( I hope).
Friday Faves / December 2024
2 months ago